

汉森担任建筑师, 机械, 查塔姆格伦伍德小学三栋建筑扩建工程的电气和管道顾问, 伊利诺斯州. 扩建后的校舍总面积为19,804平方英尺,有14间教室,可容纳350名学生.

结构 work consisted of 4-inch floor slab on grade with 6-inch drainage fill/gas condensing boiler; continuous concrete trench wall foundation footings; concrete masonry unit load-bearing walls; and a steel deck roof system supported on level open web steel joists.

机械工作包括一个加热和冷却系统,该系统由具有可变制冷剂流量(VRF)分布的地热交换回路组成. 地热/多联机, 水冷式冷凝机组安装在每栋增建建筑的机械室,并通过VRF管道系统连接到安装在每个教室的天花板上的空气分配“磁带”. 还安装了屋顶上的补充空气装置,为每栋建筑提供新鲜空气. 管道工程包括将现有建筑的管道系统扩展到每个附加部分,以服务于教室水槽和卫生间. 同样,现有建筑的消防喷淋系统被扩展到每个新增部分.

Electrical work consisted of a new fire alarm system; intrusion detection, access control and video surveillance systems; a central sound system; a clock system; technology including rough-ins for technology writing, student computer work stations and teacher work stations; sound reinforcement; general, interior lighting; emergency egress lighting; general-purpose receptables; and new sub-distribution panels. Hanson还指定了new, 电动, 体育馆的可伸缩看台,改善了学生下车区的车道.